Are you training to get to an endpoint or are you hoping to develop along the way?
Imagine you have the opportunity in work to skip straight to the top, you’re not long there and you still have a lot to learn but you have been presented with the unique opportunity to go straight to the top, do you take it?
Of course not!
Because you know that you lack the necessary skills to fulfil your new role and its only a matter of time before you’re found out and you end up right back where you started.
But now your confidence is at an all time low.
This is exactly what people try to do when they decide to get fit or lose weight!
They want results and they want them yesterday.
And this is exactly when so many people struggle to maintain their results.
Training is about development, progression and habit forming just like the course you should have done to acquire the necessary tools for that top job.
Stop looking for end result and learn to reap the benefits of the journey along the way because that will be the difference between whether you maintain it or not.