Note: I have his permission to disclose all of this.

This is Nick, Nick sent me an email back in early November and it went something along the lines of ” I’m 55, I’ve a back back and I need to get fit/tone up, would you have anything that suits me?”
It was clear that Nick felt his age etc was a barrier to start with us.
But my response was the same response I give everyone, come in and see how you get on!
From the get go he had no problem what so ever and has attended 2 sessions a week since.
Just this morning he told me how much he’s enjoying the sessions, he feels fitter and best of all, his back feels great.
If you feel your age or level of fitness is a barrier then don’t, we have clients start all the time who have never set foot in the gym and plenty of clients in their 40s, 50s and 60s.
Training isn’t just for young people but it can certainly help you feel like a young person!
Interested in trying out a class?
Get in touch for a Free Trial Class.